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Other illnesses prevalent in those days included life threatening ones like scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Some of these required the removal of children to isolation hospitals, such as the one at Gellinudd, to stop the spread of these infectious diseases. In many areas tuberculosis was the scourge, but I cannot recall many cases on the Waun. Some older customs relating to health had survived ugg boots wrap and, for all I know, may still do. When a child looked delicate and was particularly slow we would say, ‘mae’n dishgwl fel ‘sa llech arno fe’. One family in the village had the expertise to follow a practice known as ‘torri’r llech’. With a razor blade a slight nick was made in a child’s ear sufficient to draw blood, and this was deemed to be a cheap ugg classic tall boots 5815 clearance remedy for ‘y llech’ and for a disease such ugg boots jcpenney life as rickets. Thomas, louis vuitton pas cher en France

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2011年12月18日 | Category: プライベート | No Comment