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Turkey’s potentially costly intervention would hardly be altruistic then. It would not seek to drive ISIS out of its Syrian and Iraqi heartland. Rather, military intervention would create a safe haven similar to the one created in Northern Iraq after the Gulf War this time around hopefully patrolled and secured not just by air power but by actual soldiers.

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There a dust speck of an airport there now, in Wamena, the only town of any size in the valley. A garbage strewn former Dutch government outpost, the best part about Wamena is leaving it to tour the rest of the valley. Ringed by emerald green mountains, divided by the Baliem River, dotted with hamlets of thatch roofed huts, the valley looks much as it did when Earl and his squad of Filipino American paratroopers dropped in to help Margaret Hastings, John McCollom, and the third survivor, Technical Sergeant Kenneth Decker.

He added: “To promise that we’re going to destroy ISIS or ISIL sets a goal that may be unattainable, as opposed to devastating it or, as the vice president would put it, following them to the gates of hell and dealing them terrible blows that prevent them from holding territory. Those are probably realistic goals.”.


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2010年10月2日 | Category: マラソン | No Comment