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Contrary to what many people assume and what is sometimes reported trade between West Africa and the rest of the world has continued. Yes, there have been some problems notably a food shortage that has driven up prices by roughly 25 percent but at of the end of September, none of these problems had prevented supermarkets in Freetown from offering an impressive selection of chlorine wipes, bug spray and soap..

It’s the only diesel we had the chance to drive but you can see why it’ll be a big seller. You get hot hatch levels of performance, all while returning about 45mpg during normal driving.The bad news is that this engine sounds pretty gruff. Overall beautiful country; me and my 12 year old son had a good time. Be careful to follow the white blazes.

And here’s something else for you to think about, BMW are notorious for over stating their performance figures, therefore the comparison is even worse than the figures suggest, and obviously you haven’t sat in similarly priced Golfs and 1 series, because if you did you would find that the Golf cabin is a cut above a 1 series cabin. The fact is that BMW are ripping you off, you’re paying for a delusion, and BMW are laughing all the way to the bank..

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2011年5月5日 | Category: 写真集 | No Comment