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His current film, Factory, based on the lean prison novel by Edward Bunker, stars Willem Dafoe, Edward Furlong, Mickey Rourke, Seymour Cassel and Tom Arnold. After a brief run on Cinemax, it had its theatrical premiere in New York on Oct. 20 and opened in Los Angeles on Friday, with a wider release still up in the air.

Labaze checked the time. He had another meeting an hour away in his hometown of Leogane, and then he needed to check in with the workmen building his new home. At 4:53, consequences would saddle even the most mundane decisions. There would be many reasons some people lived and others died, tiny acts of fate, an invisible hand moving this person into danger, or that person out. Lifelong habits spared or condemned. Tardiness, for instance such a silly reason to die.


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2010年9月9日 | Category: SKI | No Comment