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Looking ahead, Tiffany raised its bottom line outlook for the second time in as many quarters. The company had initiated 2014 earnings per share guidance in the range of $4.05 $4.15 per diluted share, raised it during the first quarter earnings release to the range of $4.15 louis vuitton quality quartz engineering $4.25, and increased it yet again today, to the range of $4.20 $4.30 per share. Free cash flow for the full year is expected to be greater than $400 million, in line with louis vuitton outlet in vegas our updated forecasts. Tiffany will look to open 10 company owned stores and close 3 existing stores during 2014 (it has already opened 5). At the end of July 2014, the company operated 293 stores. Regional store growth through the end of 2013 is shown below:

So, is it a good time to buy Coach now? My answer is, however, still NO. The simple reasoning is that the company still has several potential bad news to announce. The potential turnaround also needs a lot of time to show positive signs. This strength enables me to look at Coach from a different perspective. In the fashion industry, a designer’s past success often does not yield a future victory. Bottega Veneta, Givenchy, Louis Vuitton and Mulberry. All these companies have amazing handbags. Naturally, Stuart looks like a wonderful fit for Coach. What has disappointed me is the Coach Fall 2014 collection. It is not the handbags themselves not beautiful. Rather, it is the lack of resonance with Coach’s core consumers bothering me. They are too fashion forward and too vintage. The reason why both fashion forward and vintage can exist at the same time is that louis vuitton bag outlet 7 store clothes fashion can be vintage. However, it is not the trend now. The current core premium/lifestyle handbag consumers clearly prefer modern than louis vuitton logo stamps vintage. Someday, they may prefer vintage, but I do not see it happening in the next two years. Fashion, at the end, is a trend that will last for a while before a new trend settles in. The trend has a momentum that will not stop quickly.

De mme, en parallle au recentrage sur les valeurs essentielles du luxe, on voit apparatre rcemment des nouvelles techniques marketing telles que le story stelling ou le brand content qui permettent aux marque de luxe notamment de pouvoir raconter une histoire au lieu de se concentrer sur larclame autour d’un produit et produire une valeur immatrielle .


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2010年9月9日 | Category: SKI | No Comment