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You see it in every restaurant in Beijing. I prefer Chanel or Bottega Veneta now. Online only format of this sale follows hot on the heels of our successful Vintage Couture: Handbags, Luggage and Accessories sale in April this year. Sale which runs for 10 days provides another extended opportunity for buyers around the world to purchase handbags and accessories by some of the greatest designers of all time.

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This replica Louis Vuitton Monogramouflage Treillis features the new louis vuitton waist pouch bag style of Louis Vuitton. Stated but not out of date is the replica Treillis. It measures louis vuitton neverfull mm wallet approximately 14 louis vuitton ring box in width x 8 in height x 4 in depth. This bag comes with a Chanel authentication card and dust bag, and the hologram serial number is still intact.

It’s a big that can be used year round for years to come, and in an uncertain economy, longevity of a bag’s design is something that’s on the minds of more and more people. We all know that Vuitton’s canvas wears like few other materials, and a bicolor material like Damier can be paired with a variety of clothing choices.

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2010年9月9日 | Category: お知らせ | No Comment