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In a sense, the bags appealed to the artistic aspect of the consumers. This allowed Louis Vuitton to charge nearly 60% premium compared to other monochrome bags and still get long a waiting list of customers wanting to own the exclusive bag. If Louis Vuitton could adopt this strategy in future launches of their products, it may just rediscover the delicate balance between sales.

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Fatal attacks by saltwater crocodiles are still relatively rare in Australia compared to the rest of the range of the species; the saltwater crocodile kills somewhere over 100 people annually throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, etc. How much over 100 is unknown. The fact is that, in Australia, attacks are easily avoided and most involve humans partaking in risky activities in areas where crocodile warning signs are clear and present (which was the case in the most recent attack along the Mary River).

A jewel nestled in Seattle’s wealthy Bellevue section, The Shops at Bravern is the destination for the young, entrepreneurial tech community looking to upgrade their casual style. This outdoor, European inspired village with inside and outside fireplaces even welcomes shoppers’ dogs. An outpost of New York’s David Barton Gym is on site so you can work out louis vuitton wallet graphite drawings for sale with a trainer.


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2010年9月9日 | Category: SKI | No Comment