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I curled my hair with my new curling iron, and neatly applied the new makeup products I bought at the mall. Before leaving for school, I stood in the mirror looking at my new Louis Vuitton bag laying on my left shoulder. Hearing the car horn on my dad’s new Mercedes Benz sports car, I knew I should hurry up.

Examine the hardware inside the bag carefully. The studs and key ring should have the Louis Vuitton stamp on each piece of metal. Fake bags either lack the stamping or use an inferior method of stamping. On a replica bag, the stamp may be slightly off center, uneven, or even have a misspelling in the name. The inside pocket also has a zipper pull, and on fakes, the pull usually has a flat shape or design. Authentic bags also have a heat stamp and date stamp inside the bag. The codes on the stamp represent when and where the bag was made. On fake bags, louis vuitton baby blue monogram vernis houston bag the stamp is often a simple ink stamp on the fabric, or stitched onto a leather pocket.

Although it isn leather, the canvas outer layer of this bag is waterproof and durable. Made especially for travel, this bag is likely to hold up well over time, if you take care of it properly. As for the longevity of the style, the Louis Vuitton monogrammed line features simple detailing and classic design.

Online shopping is not only cheaper, customer service is usually much better. Most merchants selling on Taobao manage and run their own online shops. Taobao is nothing more than an aggregation of millions of motivated louis vuitton handbags white individual entrepreneurs. They are available just about any time, day or night, by phone or online chat to answer questions, or even, when asked, offer an additional discount. They are, in my experience, smart, self confident, friendly, competent.

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Why are the Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Delightful Monogram so popular? It’s easy: the design is classic and the bag works for everyone. From young twenty somethings to busy moms to the lady who lunches, Louis Vuitton handbags work for practically everyone. That’s the reason so many love the Louis Vuitton handbags, it works as an schlep all. The large tote shape can be turned to a city bag by tightening louis vuitton buy online USA the side laces. The interior features a long zipped pocket that can fit a wallet as well as D ring for keys or accessories .


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2010年7月7日 | Category: 写真集 | No Comment